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Whitepapers: Energy Oil & Gas

Selecting Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) for Design, Operate, Maintain

Powerful enterprise asset management (EAM) software has become a requirement rather than a luxury. But yet, most EAM software fails to offer broad enough or thorough enough functionality to truly maximize asset output while minimizing asset cost. This whitepaper analyzes the reasons that this is the case and offer advice for navigating an EAM software selection cycle that delivers the functionality today’s executive requires.

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Manage By Project with Project-Based Solutions

The principles behind project-based business practices are now being embraced and applied to businesses ranging from manufacturing to services. This whitepaper discusses the megatrends driving this change, what it means for industrial companies, and how Project-Based Solutions (PBS), a new type of ERP, can allow executives to intelligently navigate these uncertain waters.

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