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Selecting Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) for Design, Operate, Maintain

Process manufacturing, power generation, the upstream oil and gas industry and other industries are by nature asset-intensive. To a large extent, success depends upon intelligent management of big ticket capital assets. As executives at these asset intensive companies face increased pressure to spread investments in fixed assets further and squeeze from them greater and greater returns, technology is playing a role in asset management.

Powerful enterprise asset management (EAM) software has become a requirement rather than a luxury. But yet, most EAM software fails to offer broad enough or thorough enough functionality to truly maximize asset output while minimizing asset cost. This whitepaper analyzes the reasons that this is the case and offer advice for navigating an EAM software selection cycle that delivers the functionality today’s executive requires.

To find out more, download this whitepaper from IFS.

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ERP Buyers Guide