The double-edged sword of right-sizing your systems… For businesses growing beyond small, an inflection point arises which almost immediately becomes a double-edged sword. Existing systems start groaning under the strain of increased complexity and scale, and the time comes where a more sophisticated enterprise resource planning solution
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Plug in a few of your favourite business services… The app centre is the delivery end of SAP-owned company Concur’s API, which has allowed a number (around 60) of local software providers to develop apps and services which integrate with the Concur mothership to ‘take better control
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Value of human experience likely to increase on the path to 2040… Imagine how weirded out people from the offices of the 1970s would be should they be teleported into the workplace of today. They’d probably find it a bit perplexing. Now, imagine the office of the
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The main reason ERP implementations fail to deliver adequate return on investment is because they are categorised as software, rather than business improvement, projects…
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With the release of its Magic Quadrant for Single-Instance ERP for Product-Centric Midmarket Companies, Gartner has pointed to those vendors which are delivering the goods… While a considerable mouthful of a title, and consisting of a report which runs to well over 12,000 words, Gartner’s latest release (December
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